Here's a project that is very interesting. I will be keeping an eye on this.
Its a bare metal compiler for the Pi, that lets you run code right on the hardware. No operating system.
I made a video of the boot. 1 second boot. Pretty neat.
The compiler looks very easy to use. If they keep working on it, and get everything working, this will be really interesting. Especially with a Pi Zero, or Pi3 model A. You get all the hardware of a modern day computer, and the ease of a microcontroller. Its like having a microcontroller running at 1GHZ and having multicore with multithreading.
This is from the examples, #12. Its a webserver, has a dos shell, controls the LCD, has access to the ethernet port and can create an HTTP socket, has access to the SD card.
I made a video of the boot. 1 second boot. Pretty neat.
This is from the examples, #12. Its a webserver, has a dos shell, controls the LCD, has access to the ethernet port and can create an HTTP socket, has access to the SD card.