Monday, February 23, 2015

Embedded video in place

Good news!

Looks like the feature I've been looking for since August is finally here and working!

You can now stream video from the Pi Camera into a visualization window.  The demo with the latest version includes both a streaming window and a static window for manual captures.

I'm really stoked about this.  Up till now, I would have had to run the streaming video in a separate browser window - now it can be with the main control, so I can embed the video inside the controls.

This is an awesome feature.   The latency I saw looks very reasonable as well.

The demo Pi I used was a B+, so I imagine the Pi 2 will look even better.

Here's a quick video clip of my test...

I will post another update real soon on my latest rev stuff.  I've made good progress since the last big post.

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