Sunday, February 17, 2019

Interesting software

Hi folks.  I haven't been on in a while.  I've been working with some pretty cool software recently, and wanted to bring it up.  VT Scada ( is SCADA software (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition), which it does this very well.  Normally this stuff can start at $3K and go as high as $100K or more based on features.  Cool thing about there product is that they offer a 50 point version for FREE.  Yep. Free.  Up to 10 installs per person (or company).  This is great for me because it has Modbus drivers, and can be run from a tablet or Smart phone.

Here is a quick sample screen:

I can have VT Scada interface to the Codesys project using either Modbus or OPC UA tags. I like this method over using the Webvisu in Codesys, because by default, all data is historian ready. 

Another thing I really like about VTScada.  I runs very well on really small PCs.  They've even run it on Atom quad core 2GB PCs.

On a side note, I will try to at least post more often.  I'm still piddling around with my MD robot chassis.  I'm thinking of changing up the drive system again.

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